Monongahela Haze

I stumbled upon a wonderful blog by Monongahela native Devin Bartolotta. Following is an excerpt from a recent post titled "Monongahela Haze" Monongahela summer evenings have a certain haze to them, or at least they do at my house. But the Monongahela summer haze isn’t just tangible. It’s a feeling, too. It’s when the air... Continue Reading →

Reminiscences by Maury Tosi

I just found a great website called Reminiscences by Maury Tosi. Maury grew up in Monongahela and graduated from Monongahela City high school in 1942. He later served in the military and became an engineer. He wrote a fascinating story about his life, much of it spent in Monongahela PA. Here is an excerpt about... Continue Reading →

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